

This book is about helping women (and men, to some extent) navigate the changes that midlife brings. It gives credence, validity and voice to real concerns about entering middle age and practical advice on preserving and improving minds, bodies, desirability, confidence and creativity going forward.   

Wait Until You’re Fifty: A woman’s journey into midlife

Wait Until You’re Fifty is available as a paperback and an e-book.  For more information or to purchase a book, please visit these websites:   


You Read It Here First

The Skies of Santa Fe and The World From My Window feature my photography.  They focus on the transient beauty of the sky.  Mindy’s Mind features my black & white drawings.  Shades of Mindy Littman Holland and Shades II feature my new style of shaded drawings. Several of these drawings are included on my Drawings page.  Mindyscapes is a hardcover book which features recent pen & ink drawings and The Early Years, also a hardcover book, features drawings I did as a teenager. Contact me if you’re interested in purchasing books, originals, prints, card collections or unique illustrations for book covers.

Picture Books

  1. The Skies of Santa Fe

  2. Mindy’s Mind

  3. The World From My Window

  4. Shades of Mindy Littman Holland

  5. Shades II

  6. Mindyscapes

  7. The Early Years

As the end of 2017 approached, it was clear that the world needed a chuckle.  So, as I began to work on this book of short stories, it made sense to sift through my now-sizable collection, which I started writing in 2012, and select thirty of my funniest ones.  They all have one thing in common: They will make you laugh.

All my funny ones: a Collection of short stories

For more information or to purchase a book, please visit this website: